Saturday, June 16, 2012

Which one will they pick?

This is the first post.... clearly.

Here are some of the basics. I grew up well off but damn is my family different. We are different in a bunch of different ways from your family or that one next door. I grew up having a lot of things.... you might say I was well off, spoiled, a brat... say what you want because I frankly don't care (mainly because I might never meet you). But this blog is about my life and how I got to today and how awesome life can be sometimes. What put me to this point in my life where on a Saturday night I am sitting in my apartment, with the lights off, watching HGTV on a Saturday night with my dog passed out beside me on the couch.... House Hunters.... it gets me every time. So that brings me to reason number one.....


Is it the mystery that draws me in? No.
Is it the fantastic locations? No.

It's because I love judging people for what house they pick. I sit there and weigh all of the options and houses like I personally was a part of this HGTV fantasy world where Sandra Minamono or whatever her name is is walking around my town of choice choosing a home for me. Will this ever happen? Probably not which doesn't keep me up at night crying, but on a binge on House Hunters may upset me as I quickly realize that I don't live in Canada where most of the episodes are shot (yes I know that because I honestly watch it that much) and no one wants to see a poor teacher house hunt in a wealthy suburb of Texas. I can just imagine the episode where I am looking for my dream home that I can afford on a teacher salary....

"You know Sandra a half bath would be fine for me so lets open the search to a 1 bedroom 1/2 bath home...."

"Nah mold is great to build up the immune system."

"Who needs a roof."

It would be too depressing and they would just have to fly back to Canada to film another episode. But I honestly love watching these people walk through homes and pick them out. How can they not see the potential in the fixer upper? Have I also watched too many episodes of Sell This House and Flipped and more? I am a DIY whore..... but wait.... I've really honestly never DIYed anything. I've sewn things but I've never painted a room or tiled a bathtub.... what makes me think that I have some skill at doing these things?

So just know that when I am searching for my first house I will imagine that it is my very own episode of House Hunters.

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